that doesn't look like a d action. The old man probably can't even go shit himself. But it is widespread that older people ren. the lower the prosperity and education. the more the incidents are. although a lot of c .... porn / videos from JP are common. it is socking what some parents do with their ren / grandren. the video that appeared before shortly before the old man who was awakened shortly before, with bare pants over a baby who is under 5 years old. WTF moment. this is the moment where I find lynch justice good. Almost don't damn your ren. god protect me from someone close to me. to soften this hideousness. i would be in jail forever. Evil lies dormant even in the purest people. there is no more pity, no more mercy. some animals are euthanized because they are sick. that's very sad . this animal is more valuable than a pedo.